Sunday, December 20, 2009

"If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does." The Dutchess.

We've shoveled the cars out, but a computer malfunction is holding up the entire operation -- seems that the computer that Isaac has been using is not working properly, and it is up to John to save the day!  If we get past this, we'll go see John's father, but it is unclear whether the roads will be clear enough to see Castle Howard (not really a castle, but an "estate home").

Well, the roads were crap, so no sight-seeing.  We were able to visit John's father, but he"ll need some anti-biotics and we'll stay as late as we can tomorrow to see that he is on the mend. 

The computer, however, is NOT on the mend . . . and we'll go get another one tomorrow.  England closes on Sundays -- seriously.  By law.  Only things open are from 10 - 4.  I guess people have to plan ahead.

We visited John's lovely sister, Christine, and her very funny husband, Paul, and we set the kids to videos & had pizza (and mincemeat pie!) -- it was the most "America" we've had here yet!

It's Chester tomorrow -- if the fates and the weather permit.  And I understand that they have shopping in Chester -- lots & lots of shopping.


  1. I guess that's why the Brits *keep a stiff upper lip*'s FROZEN in place!

  2. PS re Chester Your father was among those who thought our national anthem should have been *Chester* instead of the one we got.
